Monday, May 20, 2024



    Night and snow on the window-panes.
    The rails gleam in the white night
    reminding you of going
              and never coming back.
    In the third-class waiting room
    a woman is lying,
          her feet bare,
          a black kerchief round her head.
              I walk up and down.
    Night and snow on the window-panes.
    Inside some people are singing -
          a song my comrade loved
                                so much.
    His favourite song,
    his favourite,
    Comrades, do not look into my eyes,
    I am trying not to weep.
    In the white night the rails gleam,
    reminding you of going
              and never coming back.
    A woman in a black kerchief
          is lying
              in the third-class
              her feet bare.
    Night and snow on the window-panes.
    Somewhere inside they are singing.

Nazim Hikmet

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